Ho conosciuto B. in
ufficio. 22 anni bruna, bel visetto tondo
sorridente, Capelli mossi e forti.
Cominciammo a vederci dandoci appuntamento al cinema, Lei veniva con una cugina
coetanea complice. Appartenevano ad una etnia arabo-cristiana e le restrizioni in
famiglia erano severe. Al cinema ci tenemmo per mano per un poco e poi cominciammo
a carezzarci si nascosto, come succede.
Lei con un cappottino sul
grembo nascondeva la mia mano errante che le aveva tirato su la gonna e ora le
carezzava le mutande. Fradice. Mi
piacque. Di sicuro piaceva a lei e si
capiva. Era impossibile vederla in pubblico, protetta e controllata dalla
famiglia. Pensai che non l’avevo mai
baciata ma conoscevo la sua fighetta benissimo. In ufficio decidemmo che per
vederci da soli sarebbe venuta da me, era più sicuro e si poteva usare il tempo
in modo più efficace. Sabato pomeriggio, con la scusa di fare un giro ai
negozi. La sua etnia la imponeva di non associarsi con altri ragazzi. Venne
sabato e ci trovammo soli. Lei era vergine e doveva rimanere tale, ma la sua
voglia era enorme. Ci spogliammo e andammo direttamente a letto. Lei teneva su
le mutande e io non avevo nessuna intenzione di levargliele. Ma quel corpo mi
faceva impazzire lo stesso ed era bello. Ci carezzavamo in tutti i modi
possibili e le toccai l’inguine. Fradicio come al solito. Mi limitavo a tenerla
un mano come se ne avessi preso possesso. La fica bagnata era tutta nella mia
mano. Ad un certo punto dice, beh, non stare li, fai qualcosa. Voleva essere
masturbata! Le dissi:: “faccio di meglio” e mi abbassai nel letto. Rimase un
poco sorpresa e fece quasi per
protestare ma non sapeva cosa avessi in mente. A me il succo fica è sempre
piaciuto e questa era una situazione splendida. Lei dapprima non voleva. Non
aveva avuto un esperienza di questo genere, non capiva che potesse piacere ma
la tranquillizzai con un : “fidati”. Misi la testa fra le sue splendide calde
cosce e l’odore di fica mi investì. Era del tipo buono, dolce, gradevole.
Cominciai a leccarla tutto intorno e le faceva il solletico. Con una mano le
avevo afferrato da sotto le gambe per non farla muovere troppo e con l’altra
ora le scostavo le mutande. La lingua si impossessò della vulva. Dapprima
voleva ritrarsi ma il mio braccio la teneva ferma. Tesa, molto tesa al contatto
della lingua con la sua carne la fece trasalire. Tenni la lingua distesa li
senza muoverla per tranquillizzarla. La lingua aderiva alle sue labbra
tenendola calda ma una lingua non sta ferma per molto. Era consapevole del
contatto ma non capiva cosa sarebbe successo. Cominciai ad applicare pressioni
diverse ma senza muoverla. Li si sciolse, osa sapeva che le dava piacere emise
n piccolo rantolo che io presi come un via libera e piano piano cominciai
muovere la lingua distesa fra il clitoride e le sua apertura vergine. Colava
ora, incapace di fermarsi. La lingua diventava più audace incoraggiata da un
inguine che ora si alzava ritmicamente ad incontrane la discesa. Non si
svergina nessuno così ma capì che questa forma di stimolo le piaceva moltissimo.
Si mosse a ritmo per un poco poi accelerando i suoi movimenti esplose. Le
convulsioni la fecero contorcere e mi spingeva via la testa. Ma ero troppo
forte per lei. Rimasi li a leccare quello che mi dava fino a che si calmò.
Rimasi per un poco e poi risalì ad abbracciarla. Mi guardava con un sorriso.
Non lo aveva mai fatto e disse che era stato bellissimo. Se vuoi lo rifacciamo,
le dissi. Si, aggiunse, mi piace, Vedi? così
terrai la tua verginità e non ti privi di qualche emozione piacevole. Negli
appuntamenti che seguirono facemmo altri giochi fino a che la convinsi che c’erano altri modi di fare
l’amore che non toccavano la sua sacra fica. Mi ero procurato della vaselina e
con molta cautela si era fatta penetrare il culetto. Un po’ allarmata per
partecipare rimase tesa, ma se piaceva a
me mi lasciava fare. Poi l’avevo
messa a pancia in giù perché quel culetto era notevole e provò il contatto di
un cazzo rigido contro di sé per la prima volta, Fino ad allora si era limitata
a prenderlo in mano e carezzarlo. Ora lo aveva in mezzo al culo che si sfregava
su e giù. E subito partecipò al movimento venendomi incontro. Se non fosse
stata vergine B. sarebbe stata un’amante naturale e gustosissima. Ma, ma , ma …
Dopo averla fatta eccitare per bene le
sussurrai che se mi avesse preso dentro le sarebbe piaciuto ancora di più. Non
era affatto sicura. Ma acconsentì a provare. Misi la testa dentro e cominciai a
spingere. Lei si allontanò. Dai, faccio piano, stai tranquilla. Riprovo. La
testa entra, lei si lamenta. Mi fermo. Poi la sento muoversi impercettibilmente
verso di me. La lascio fare. Ora la spinta si sente di più. Mi dice: “dai!”
spingo anche io. Hohhhh! Mi fermo. Lei sta respirando forte. Comincia a capire
che le piace, anche se le sta facendo male. Si muove di nuovo piano. Sono mezzo
dentro ora. E’ forte ma mi trattengo. So che se non mi muovo non arrivo
all’orgasmo, anche se vorrei tanto. E’ lei che comincia a dondolare. Si sta
dondolando intorno al mio cazzo con il culo puntato verso l’alto. Con ogni
spinta mi accorgo che si sta rilassando. Ora spingo anche io. Sono
completamente dentro ma è lei che dondola. Provo a spingere ritmicamente per
vedere la reazione. Nulla. Va bene allora. Dondolo anche io. Ci incontriamo a
metà. Oh B., che spettacolo il tuo splendido culo e il mio cazzo che ci
sparisce dentro e le sensazioni sono meravigliose. Che bello che le piaccia
questo gioco. Piace anche a me. Troppo. Ancora un affondo. La afferro ai
fianchi e le mie pulsazioni la riempiono di sperma, le sente, si muove ancora e
l’orgasmo prende anche lei. Sorpresa, contenta, appagata. Ci accasciamo
ansimando. Rimaniamo abbracciati di fianco e attaccati ancora. Mi dice: “se non
me lo avessi chiesto non ci avrei mai pensato. E’ bello così!” Beh, è colpa
della tua maledetta verginità!
I met B. in the office. 22 years brunette, pretty round face smiling, wavy thick hair. We began to see each other at the cinema. She used to come with an accomplice cousin. They belonged to an ethnic Arab-Christian family and the restrictions on them were severe. At the cinema we held hands for a while and then I began to touch her, as it happens.
She hid my wandering hand on her lap with a coat. Her skirt had gone up and my hand was stroking her panties now. Soaked. I liked that. She surely was enjoying it and you could tell. It was meet that would come to me, was safer and could use time more effectively. Saturday afternoon, with the excuse to take a trip to the shops. His ethnicity required her not to associate with the boys. It was Saturday and we were alone. She was a virgin and would remain so, but his desire was huge. We undressed and went straight to bed. She held her pants up and I had no intention of taking them off. But that the body drove me crazy and it was nice. We caressed in every way possible and I touched his crotch. Wet as usual. I would just keep a hand as if I had taken possession. The pussy was all wet in my hand. At one point says, well, do not stand there, do something. He wanted to be masturbated! I said: "I do better" and I lowered the bed. He was a little surprised and almost made to protest but did not know what I had in mind. I've always liked pussy juice, and this was a wonderful situation. She initially did not want. He had had an experience like this, who could not understand the pleasure, but calmed down with a "trusted". I put my head between her thighs and the wonderful smell of hot pussy hit me. It was kind of good, sweet, pleasant. I began to lick it all around and tickled. With one hand I grabbed from under her legs to keep her from moving too much and now with the other drew back the underwear. The tongue took possession of her pussy. At first he wanted to retire but my arm was holding firm. Tense, very tense and the contact of the tongue with his flesh startled her. I kept there still without moving to calm her. The language clung to his lips, holding a warm but firm language is not for long. He was aware of the contact but did not understand what happened. I began to apply different pressures, but without moving it. They broke up, he knew that dares to give her pleasure let out a small gasp n which I took as a green light and began slowly moving the tongue lying between the clitoris and the opening of her virgin. Poured hours, unable to stop. The language became bolder now encouraged by a groin incontrane rose rhythmically to the descent. It is not anyone like deflowers but realized that this form of stimulation she liked very much. He moved to the beat for a while then accelerating its movement exploded. The seizures made her squirm and I pushed away the head. But I was too strong for her. I was licking them what they gave me until he calmed down. I stood for a while and then went up to hug her. He looked at me with a smile. She had never done and said it was beautiful. If you want Let's make it, I told her. Yes, I said, I like, see? well you keep your virginity and you can not without some emotion pleasant. In the events that followed we had other games until I convinced her that there were other ways of making love that did not touch her sacred cunt. I had gotten the Vaseline and had done very cautiously penetrate the ass. A little 'alarmed to participate remained tense, but if you like me let me do. Then I'd put on his stomach because that ass was remarkable and he felt the contact of a hard cock against him for the first time, up to then had been limited to pick it up and caress him. Now had it in the middle of the ass rubbed up and down. And immediately he took part in the movement by coming meeting. If it was not a virgin B. would be natural and tasty mistress. But, but, but ... After making her hot she whispered to her that if she got inside she would have liked even more. It was not safe. But he agreed to try. I put my head in and started pushing. She walked away. Come on, I floor, do not worry. Try again. The head comes in, she complains. I stop. Then I feel it move imperceptibly toward me. I let her do. Now he feels the pressure more. He says: "come on!" Push myself. Hohhhh!I stop. She is breathing hard. He begins to understand that she likes, even if doing evil. It moves a revised plan. Half are in now. And 'strong but I restrain myself. I know that if I do not move can not reach orgasm, although I would love to. And 'she begins to sway. You are swinging around my cock with her ass pointing upwards. With every thrust I realize that it is relaxing. Now I push myself. They are completely inside but she is rocking. I try to push rhythmically to see the reaction. Nothing. All right then. Rocking too. We meet in the middle. B. Oh, what a show your beautiful ass and my dick disappears inside us and the feelings are wonderful. How nice that she likes this game. I love it too. Too much. Another push. He grabbed her hips and my pulse to spunk, he hears, moves, and yet she gets an orgasm. Surprise, happy, fulfilled. We collapsed panting. We remain stuck on the side and hugged again. He says: "I you hadn’t asked I would have never thought. It 'so nice! "Well, it's because of your damned virginity!
I met B. in the office. 22 years brunette, pretty round face smiling, wavy thick hair. We began to see each other at the cinema. She used to come with an accomplice cousin. They belonged to an ethnic Arab-Christian family and the restrictions on them were severe. At the cinema we held hands for a while and then I began to touch her, as it happens.
She hid my wandering hand on her lap with a coat. Her skirt had gone up and my hand was stroking her panties now. Soaked. I liked that. She surely was enjoying it and you could tell. It was meet that would come to me, was safer and could use time more effectively. Saturday afternoon, with the excuse to take a trip to the shops. His ethnicity required her not to associate with the boys. It was Saturday and we were alone. She was a virgin and would remain so, but his desire was huge. We undressed and went straight to bed. She held her pants up and I had no intention of taking them off. But that the body drove me crazy and it was nice. We caressed in every way possible and I touched his crotch. Wet as usual. I would just keep a hand as if I had taken possession. The pussy was all wet in my hand. At one point says, well, do not stand there, do something. He wanted to be masturbated! I said: "I do better" and I lowered the bed. He was a little surprised and almost made to protest but did not know what I had in mind. I've always liked pussy juice, and this was a wonderful situation. She initially did not want. He had had an experience like this, who could not understand the pleasure, but calmed down with a "trusted". I put my head between her thighs and the wonderful smell of hot pussy hit me. It was kind of good, sweet, pleasant. I began to lick it all around and tickled. With one hand I grabbed from under her legs to keep her from moving too much and now with the other drew back the underwear. The tongue took possession of her pussy. At first he wanted to retire but my arm was holding firm. Tense, very tense and the contact of the tongue with his flesh startled her. I kept there still without moving to calm her. The language clung to his lips, holding a warm but firm language is not for long. He was aware of the contact but did not understand what happened. I began to apply different pressures, but without moving it. They broke up, he knew that dares to give her pleasure let out a small gasp n which I took as a green light and began slowly moving the tongue lying between the clitoris and the opening of her virgin. Poured hours, unable to stop. The language became bolder now encouraged by a groin incontrane rose rhythmically to the descent. It is not anyone like deflowers but realized that this form of stimulation she liked very much. He moved to the beat for a while then accelerating its movement exploded. The seizures made her squirm and I pushed away the head. But I was too strong for her. I was licking them what they gave me until he calmed down. I stood for a while and then went up to hug her. He looked at me with a smile. She had never done and said it was beautiful. If you want Let's make it, I told her. Yes, I said, I like, see? well you keep your virginity and you can not without some emotion pleasant. In the events that followed we had other games until I convinced her that there were other ways of making love that did not touch her sacred cunt. I had gotten the Vaseline and had done very cautiously penetrate the ass. A little 'alarmed to participate remained tense, but if you like me let me do. Then I'd put on his stomach because that ass was remarkable and he felt the contact of a hard cock against him for the first time, up to then had been limited to pick it up and caress him. Now had it in the middle of the ass rubbed up and down. And immediately he took part in the movement by coming meeting. If it was not a virgin B. would be natural and tasty mistress. But, but, but ... After making her hot she whispered to her that if she got inside she would have liked even more. It was not safe. But he agreed to try. I put my head in and started pushing. She walked away. Come on, I floor, do not worry. Try again. The head comes in, she complains. I stop. Then I feel it move imperceptibly toward me. I let her do. Now he feels the pressure more. He says: "come on!" Push myself. Hohhhh!I stop. She is breathing hard. He begins to understand that she likes, even if doing evil. It moves a revised plan. Half are in now. And 'strong but I restrain myself. I know that if I do not move can not reach orgasm, although I would love to. And 'she begins to sway. You are swinging around my cock with her ass pointing upwards. With every thrust I realize that it is relaxing. Now I push myself. They are completely inside but she is rocking. I try to push rhythmically to see the reaction. Nothing. All right then. Rocking too. We meet in the middle. B. Oh, what a show your beautiful ass and my dick disappears inside us and the feelings are wonderful. How nice that she likes this game. I love it too. Too much. Another push. He grabbed her hips and my pulse to spunk, he hears, moves, and yet she gets an orgasm. Surprise, happy, fulfilled. We collapsed panting. We remain stuck on the side and hugged again. He says: "I you hadn’t asked I would have never thought. It 'so nice! "Well, it's because of your damned virginity!
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